
  • 10 Apr 2020 1:36 PM | Rocky Sham (Administrator)

    The SPCA, AFCD and KFBG are partners in the rescue of a growing number of nestling and fledgling native wild birds every year. Once the rescued birds arrive at KFBG’s Wild Animal Rescue Centre there follows a critical period of intense care involving regular feeding and rehabilitation for any injured juvenile birds and hopefully at the end we see successful release for many.

    We are concerned that sometimes the public will pick up baby birds when the adults are still caring for them, so we have developed the attached poster and blog (ENG & CHI) to provide some guidance to those finding young birds. We hope this poster will help citizens to make the right choice regarding whether the young bird should be left alone or rescued.

    If you are interested in helping injured wild animals or assisting in conservation projects, please visit ( or ( for more information.

  • 16 Jan 2019 9:52 PM | Kin Shing Lin


    Last year, in HKVNA’s newsletter we shared how we started Home Street Home: Nepal Community Dog TNR Project, why we choose Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) approach and the success of neutering and vaccinating 203 community dogs in April 2018.

    In months of making, we finally have a good news to share with you: our next TNR program for community dogs in Nepal will be held in May 2019.

    With the success of last year, our target this year will be doubled to 400 dogs. We are confident that we can reach this target, but we will need support from veterinary volunteers including both vet surgeon and vet nurses/assistants. Working together with the local team, you will be able to help us achieve this intensive TNR program. Your skills can save life.

    If you are interested in contributing your time and skills, and have a unique travelling experience, please check out the program details on our website You can find out how other volunteers in 2018 said about their experiences too.

    No matter you are interested in joining the overseas volunteer trip or supporting the project at the background, please fill in the application form via our website, we will be in touch with you. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by email or send us message on our Facebook page

    We wish you a Happy Chinese New Year and looking forwards to working with you together to improve the living conditions of community dogs in Nepal.

    Chuen Man Chang

    Founder of Home Street Home: Nepal Community Dog TNR Project


    在去年9月的HKVNA的通訊中,我們分享了 「誰家的毛孩」:尼泊爾社區狗隻絕育計劃是如何開始、為什麼我們選擇「捕捉、絕育、放回」(TNR)手法以及在2018年4月份成功為203頭社區狗隻完成育和接種狂犬病疫苗。

    經過多個月的準備,我們很高興為你們帶來一個喜訊: 下一個為了幫助尼泊爾社區狗隻的絕育計劃,將於20195舉行。


    如果您有興趣貢獻您的時間和技能,並享受獨特的旅遊體驗,請在我們的網站https://www.hshtnr.com閱有關計劃詳情。在網頁裡您亦可以找到2018年的義工們如何評價他們的經驗。無論您有興趣參加海外義工服務團或在幕後支持計劃,請通過我們的網站填寫義工申請表格,我們將與您聯繫。如果您有任何疑問,請隨時通過電子郵件與我們聯繫,或在我們的Facebook 網頁中發給我們送訊。 




  • 21 Aug 2018 7:43 PM | Rocky Sham (Administrator)






    Joey Heung 

    電話: 39232684    電郵:

    Inviting volunteers for Ocean Park Monkey Contraception Project Operation

           To limited the population growth of wild monkey in Hong Kong, Veterinary Department is working on the Monkey Contraception Project with OPCFHK and Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department this year. We will administer contraceptives to wild monkeys in Kam Shan, Lion Rock and Shing Mun Country Park, and we would like to invite volunteers to have a smooth procedure for each operation date.

     For those who interested to participate in this project, please contact :

    Joey Heung 

    Tel: 39232684    Email:

    安排獼猴進入獸籠 Cage capture

    為獼猴施鎮靜針Sedative injection

    進行絕育手術Conceptive operation in progress

  • 11 Aug 2018 12:24 PM | Rocky Sham (Administrator)


    Namaste! 這是尼泊爾人打招呼的用詞。大家好,我是張邨文「誰家的毛孩」 計劃的創辦人。感謝HKVNA 讓我們在這通訊與大家分享有關我們的計劃。

    我們的計劃可追溯至2015年我在尼泊爾遇上7.8級地震的故事開始。在參與震後的救災工作的同時,我個別地拯救和醫治傷病的狗隻,但很快我便意識到問題的嚴重性。據估計,單單在加德滿都和拉利布爾( Latlipur)兩個城市已有22,000隻在社區裡生活的狗隻,更遑論在其他城市加起來的總數量。為了改善社區狗隻數目過剩的情況,需要一個更有效的介入方法。這就是我建立「誰家的毛孩」計劃的原因,透過「捕捉、絕育、放回」的手法,人道地管理狗隻的數量。「捕捉、絕育、放回」的英文寫法是Trap, Neuter, Return (TNR), 作為獸醫專業背景的你們,可能已聽過這手法,所以在此我不作詳細解釋。

    我本身並非來自獸醫專業背景,也不屬於任何動物組織,但我相信只要有決心,任何人也能夠為有需要的動物做點事。2017年,在加德滿都一個震後營裡,我們籌辦了首次TNR計劃;為66隻社區狗完成了絕育手術和瘋狗症疫苗注射。而在2018年,我們的計劃首次有香港的獸醫專業團隊參與,並取得空前的成功。在短短兩星期內,我們在加德滿都以外的地區Karvepalanchok成功為203隻社區狗隻進行了絕育和瘋狗症疫苗注射。這包括了90隻雌性和113隻雄性的狗隻。 是次計劃的成功,可歸納為四方面。首先,這是香港獸醫專業團隊首次參加尼泊爾的TNR計劃。而為了減低在捕捉過程對狗隻造成的壓力,我們歷史性地在尼泊爾引入捕狗籠。第三,我們使用了大量獨立狗籠確保了動物在運送和在手術前後的安全。最後,非獸醫背景的義工們對狗隻在手術前後的照顧的無微不至,令整個計劃的過程更人道。





    Youtube video of TNR program in April:

  • 3 Apr 2018 8:52 PM | Rocky Sham (Administrator)


    Dr Hilary Lam BVSc, PgCert, MVS

    Pancreatitis is defined as inflammation of the pancreas. It can be categorized into acute, chronic, or acute on chronic.


    In mild cases, clinical signs include decreased appetite, occasional vomiting and diarrhoea. In life-threatening cases, clinical presentation may involve systemic inflammatory response syndrome and multiple-organ dysfunction syndrome or even death.


    Any breed can be affected. Schnauzer, Yorkshire Terrier, Spaniels, Boxers, Shetland Sheepdog, Collies are overrepresented.

    Risk factor includes obesity (2.6x), endocrine diseases such as Diabetes, hypothyroidism, hyperadrenocorticism have been associated with pancreatitis. Other risk factors have been suggested: table scraps given in the preceding week or generally (2x); unusual food items consumed prior to presentation (4x-6x more likely); dietary indiscretion of items in the trash (13 x).


    Blood test CBC should be performed to screen for underlying anaemia, dehydration, leukocytosis, thrombocytopenia.

    Biochemistry profile may help to detect hepatic, renal changes and electrolytes loss secondary to inflammation and dehydration. Lipase and amylase have poor sensitivity and specificity for pancreatitis (Amylase 14-73%, Lipase 18%-69%). Canine pancreatic specific lipase by Idexx Snap cPL has a positive predictive value of 54% if the level is >200ug/L. For VetScan cPL Rapid Test there is a positive predictive value of 54% if its >200ug/L and 75% if its >400ug/L.

    Imaging such as ultrasound may be used to identify changes (e.g. hypoechogenicity, mixed echogenicity with hyperechoic mesenteric tissue, any sign of biliary obstruction, free fluid, corrugation of duodenum, ileus).

    CT scan may help to distinguish any further sign of abscessation or mass lesion including neoplasia, may also help in diagnosing necrotizing pancreatitis. Most of the time its use is prohibited by cost, assess to facility and owner's willingness to allow their sick pet to undergo general anesthesia.

    Histopathology examination of the pancreas is the gold standard. However, most patients do not require surgery.


    Intravenous fluid should be used to correct dehydration, maintenance and losses.

    Pain relief include opioids (Fentanyl, methadone, buprenorphine) may help to relief abdominal pain. Constant infusion with ketamine, lidocaine may be used. Steroids or non-steroidal anti-inflammatories may worsen compromised renal status, intestinal ulceration.

    Anti-vomiting therapy include maropitant, ondansetron, dolasetron can be considered. Maropitant is shown to be more effective than metoclopramide.

    Gastroprotectants such as pantoprazole, omeprazole, famotidine, sucralfate can be used to treat gastric ulceration secondary to pancreatitis.

    Antibiotics therapy is rarely indicated Most pancreatitis are sterile, however in selected cases may be beneficial.

    Fresh frozen plasma has shown little benefit and costly, and one article have suggested its use may increase mortality. Anecdotally some veterinarians think it will shorten hospital time.

    Nutritional support is important for recovery. Early enteral nutrition is recommended to improve gut barrier function and decrease bacterial translocation. The idea of holding off water and food in pancreatitis patient has little evidence of support. Trickle feeding is recommended. Total parenteral nutrition may provide adequate calories via central venous catheter but does not prevent villi atrophy. Commonly low-fat diet with high digestibility is recommended.

    Surgical intervention is rarely indicated except following condition: biliary tract obstruction, peritonitis, pancreatic abscess. Surgical lavage, debridement of necrotic tissue, jejunostomy tube placement maybe helpful in some severe clinical cases.


    1. Hand M, Zicker SC, Novotny BJ. Acute and chronic pancreatitis In Hand M, Zicker SC, Novotny BJ: Small Animal Clinical Nutrition Quick Consult. Mark Morris Institute, 2011, pp 208-212.

    2. Justin S. To feed or Knot to Feed? Controversies in the Nutritional Management of Pancreatitis. TVP. Nov/Dec, 2016, pp45-51

    3. Sedlacek H.S., Ramsey, D.S., Boucher, J.F., et. al.. Comparative efficacy of maropitant and selected drugs in preventing emesis induced centrally or peripherally acting emetogens in dogs. J Vet Pharmachol Ther. 2008. 31:533-537.

    4. Villaverde C. Nutritional management of exocrine pancreatic diseases. In Fascetti AJ, Delaney SJ: Applied Veterinary Clinical Nutrition. Somerset, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2012, pp 221-234.

    5. Washabau R.J. In Washabau RJ, Day MJ. Canine and Feline Gastroenterology- Pancreas. St. Louis: Saudners Elsevier, 2013, pp799-848.

    6. Xenoulis, P.G., Suchodolski, J.S., Steiner, J.M.. Chronic pancreatitis in dogs and cats. Compend Cont Ed Pract Vet. 2008; 30,3:pp166-180.



    In part II, we will briefly discuss on feeding recommendations for canine pancreatitis patient.



    In hospital canine patients with pancreatitis should be aimed to feed to the estimated resting energy expenditure by the following simple equation:

    1. RER (kcal/day) = 70 × (BW kg)0.75 *

    2. RER (kcal/day) = 30 × (BW kg) + 70

    * Equation can be used as an approximation of RER for 5-25kg dogs


    Commercial available low fat enteral diets can be recommended for discharge or for patients that are severely hyperlipidemic. Choices include:

    Brand of low fat diet

    Fat content of dried food


    Fat content of canned food


    Prescription Diet i/d Low Fat




    Veterinary Diet Gastrointestinal Low Fat




    Most sick animals may require assistive feeding. Many veterinarians may consider syringe feeding but note that it has the risk of food aversion and aspiration, so care should be taken when performed. Some practitioners, nutritionist, internist may consider nasoesophageal or nasogastric tubes as an alternative way of managing canine pancreatitis. Esophagostomy tubes are generally reserved for severe chronic pancreatitis in dogs.


    Hyperlipidaemia is associated higher risk of pancreatitis. Dogs with hyperlipidemia they should receive minimally 14g of fat per 1000 kcal. Fat free diets are not recommended as minimal intake of dietary fat is required for absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and as a source of essential fatty acids.


    Dietary fat may be saturated or unsaturated and have different lengths of fatty acid chains. Omega 3 e.g. docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) , alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) may reduce pancreatic inflammation. Each omega 3 capsule add 1 g of fat to a dogs intake, thus omega 3 supplementation should be used judiciously. Furthermore extended administration is recommended thus patients with chronic pancreatitis is more likely to benefit compared to acute pancreatitis.


    Proper storage of food is recommended as improper food storage may lead to oxidization or rancid of fat.


    Long term nutritional recommendations

    Patients with acute pancreatitis may make full recover and may consider slowly transition the animal in the previous diet or intended maintenance diet. And advise should be given to avoid risk factor such as abrupt food changes, tablet scraps, excessive amount of treats, obesity, trash bin scavenging)


    Patients with chronic pancreatitis

    The evidence for dietary fat restriction in chronic canine pancreatitis is based on clinical impression. There have been articles published the maximal dietary fat concentration is 24g-25g/ 1000kcal.

  • 3 Apr 2018 8:50 PM | Rocky Sham (Administrator)

    Common antiseptics for veterinary use

    Dr Hilary Lam BVSc, PgCert, MVS

    Chemicals commonly used as antiseptics include: Alcohols (e.g. ethanol, isopropanol), Halogens (e.g. iodine idophores), Biguanides (e.g. chlorohexadine), Oxidizing agents (e.g. benzyl peroxide, hydrogen peroxide), Metals (e.g. merbromin, silver), Detergents (e.g. quaternary ammonium compounds). In this issue we will briefly focus on the most commonly encountered antiseptics avaliable in the market.


    Examples of alcohols antiseptics include ethyl alcohol (70% ethanol), isopropyl alcohol (50% isopropanol). Isopropanol is slightly more potent than ethanol because of its greater depression of surface tension. Alcohol-based rinses have rapid acting antiseptic and wide germicidal effects. It has limited residual activity due to evaporation. Its efficacy will be reduced in present of organic matter and it is not effective against bacterial or fungal spores. It can be safely used on intact skin surface as "Rubbing Alcohol", however it is not indicated to be use on large or deep wound, eyes and mucosal surfaces.


    Iodine is a potent germicidal agent with a wide spectrum of acitivity and low toxicity to tissue. When iodine dissolves in ethanol, its antibacterial acitivity will be enhanced. Iodine alone has limited activity in presence of organic matter. Povodine iodine (PVP-I) is effective against bacteria, viruses, fungi and spore and its activity will not be affected in presence of organic matter. PVP-I as been found to kill 99% of methicilin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus after 10 seconds contact . It is important to note that its activity is lost when color change is observed. In general it does not sting, but may cause staining and may be corrosive to metals. Its use in animals with thyroid disease should be avoided.


    Chlorohexadine 0.1% aqueous solution has potent activity against gram-positive bacteria. It is not effective against gram-negative bacteria, spores, and most viruses. Its function will be affected by high level of organic matter such as pus, blood or hard water. 4% emulsion of chlorhexadine gluconate is used as skin cleanser for veterinary patients with dermatological problem. Chlorohexadine activity can be enhanced by alcohols their mixtures (e.g. 0.5% chlorohexadine in 70% isopropanol), which is commonly found in hand rinse. It is commonly used as a wound cleanser, surgical scrubs due its antiseptic properties and low potential for systemic toxicity.

    Oxidizing agents

    Hydrogen peroxide 3% has effervescent action that liberates oxygen when in contact with catalase present on wound surface and mucous membrane. It can remove pus and cellular deris. However its use is limited by irritation and toxic to the underlying tissue, furthermore, its action is short acting and limited to the surperficial layer of the applied surface.

    Benzoyl peroxide is commonly found in petshop products or over-the-counter in human pharmacy. Benzoyl peroxide slowly releases oxygen to act as antiseptic. It is ocassionally used to treat pyoderma in dogs, and it also has keratolytic and antiseborrheic activity. It may cause some skin irritation in some patients.


    Merbromin is an organomercuric disodium salt compound. It stains tissue a brilliant red tinged color with a yellow green fluorescence. It is a weak antiseptic and will have limited acitvity in presence of organic matter and alkaline environment. Use of mercurial aneitseptics has decreased, partily because of their environmental persistence and contaminat potential. It should be avoided in large wound which may result in toxicity due to significant absorption.

    Silver compounds can have caustic, antibacterial effect. 0.1% aqueous silver solution is bactericidal but some what irritating, whereas a 0.01% solution is bateriostatic. Colloidal silver compounds, which release silver ions slowly, are bacteriostatic and have a more sustained effect. They do not irritate tissue and have little astringent or caustic effect. They are generally used as mild antiseptics and in ophthalmic preparations.


    Quarternary ammonium compounds examples include benzalkonium chloride, benzathonium chloride, cetylpyridnium chloride, dodecyl dimethyl ammonium bromide, dioctyl dimethyl ammonium bromide ) with an ionizable halogen such as bromide, iodide, or chloride. Quarternary ammonium compounds are effective against most bacteria, enveloped viruses, some fungi, protozoa but not effective against non-enveloped viruses, mycobacteria and spores. The major site of action appears to be the cell membrane. The activity of older generation of the compounds will be reduced by hard water, porous or fibrous materials that absorb them. Soap, proteins, fatty acids, phosphates, blood and tissue debris will limit its use. Aqueous solution 1:1,000 to 1:5,000 have good antimicrobial activity and is commonly used as disinfectant for instruments and surfaces. Concentration > 1% will injury to mucous membranes. When applied to skin they may form a film under which micro-oganisms can survive, which limits the reliablity as antiseptics.

  • 3 Apr 2018 8:40 PM | Rocky Sham (Administrator)




    1. 割傷 - 紮緊敷冰減低出血量




    止血後用已稀釋的消毒藥水 (hibitane/chlorhexidine) 或碘酒清洗。為了保持傷口空氣流通,如非太嚴重儘量不要包紮,但應配戴頭罩,以免狗隻舔傷口。若然傷口太深或流血不止,應盡快將愛犬送往獸醫診所治療。

    2. 夾傷 - 小心檢查免骨折



    先將夾傷小動物的物品移開,如果夾傷的部位流血,應要先為小動物止血。小心檢查牠被夾傷的情況,避免翻動受傷的部份,避免造成二度傷害。若果小動物被夾傷不願走動,或是夾傷的肢體無力,這代表可能有骨折的情況,處理骨折黃金時期是三天內,宜用軟墊墊起小動物或用支架固定(softban, vetwrap, bandage),並馬上送醫治療。

    3. 咬傷 - 消毒傷口防感染







    4. 燙傷 - 沖水可減傷勢



    傷口部份應即時用大量室溫清水或生理鹽水沖洗傷口 (切勿用碘油消毒藥水


    涼爽的環境助傷口復原;但若燙傷範圍較大,可以繃帶包紮傷口 (加上獸醫


    Side box 1 - 急救藥箱保平安



    i. 生理鹽水

    ii. 碘酒

    iii. 已稀釋的消毒藥水 (不含火酒成份): Hibitane

    iv. 動物用消炎藥膏 (不含類固醇): silverzine, silversurf

    v. 繃帶,紗布

    vi. 凡士林

    Side box 2 - 頭罩口罩不可缺







  • 3 Apr 2018 8:02 PM | Rocky Sham (Administrator)

    Evidence of use of glucosamine, chondroitin, methy-sulfonylmethane (MSM) and green lipped mussel for osteoarthritis in dogs and cats

    Dr Hilary Lam BVSc, PgCert, MVS. Happy Valley Veterinary Clinic

    Nutraceuticals in human and veterinary medicine often fall into a grey zone of regulation and yet its has developed into a billion dollar industry over the decades. In the early 1990s there has been an increasing attention of using dietary supplements for our furry friends with osteoarthritis (OA). Their efficacy has been widely advertised on television, newspapers and the internet. Let's have a deeper understanding of evidence based medicine (EBM) behind these nutraceuticals.

    Different regulatory bodies use different systems to rank the strength of evidence of scientific studies. Evidence-based ranking system used by Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) aims to provide the reader with a sense of reliability of the data presented to them and how comfortable they can be with the results. The system categorizes study results into 4 levels: 1) High, 2) Moderate, 3) Low level, 4) Extremely low level of comfort. 'High level of comfort' means that qualified researchers agree that specific claim is scientifically valid, while the latter ones usually have a relatively lower consistency which are based on relatively low quality studies.

    Evidence based behind glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM, green lipped mussels in OA dogs

    There are numerous nutraceutical preparations available over the counter containing glucosamine, chondroitin and methyl-sulfonylmethane (MSM) and green lipped mussel for joint supplementation in dogs. Main rationale behind their use is aim for synthesis of articular cartilage, which may help to repair or slow down the damage of cartilage. There are anecdotal evidence and tissue culture to support their an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.  Two scientifically valid trials examined the use of glucosamine hydrochloride, chrondroitin as major components for improving clinical signs for OA in dogs. Interestingly, one study subjectively showed a positive effect, while the second one showed no significant effect. In clinical situation, confusion arises in which study one should use to help make decision whether to use the products. Overall we can concluded that the use of glucosamine, chondrontin in OA dogs is of “low to moderate level of comfort".

    On the other hand, there were three trials performed to evaluate the use of green lipped mussels in OA dogs. All trials subjectively showed a positive effect with some uncertainties existed. In general, we believe that green-lipped muscle has a "moderate level of comfort “that it will show positive effects on OA dogs.

    Evidence base behind glucosamine , chondroitin, MSM, green lipped mussels in OA cats

    In 2014, total 30 with painful cats with OA underwent a study, Group 1 (17 cats) receiving meloxicam and Group 2 (13 cats) receiving glucosamine and chondroitin supplement for 70 days were compared. Although meloxicam showed marked improvement on initial stage. When placebo was used in the second part of the trial, results showed that glucosamine/ chondroitin group was found to have longer lasting effect compared to the meloxicam group. Based on the above reference, glucosamine, chondroitin supplement in cats with OA has “moderate level of comfort”. MSM and Green lipped mussel extract is also popular however its mode of action in cats is uncertain, more evidence based studies is required to prove its clinical application in cats.

    Side effects of glucosamine

    Side effects of glucosamine in dogs and cats are rare which may include gastrointestinal upset as the most commonly reported sign.  The proof of diabetes mellitus may be precipitated after use of glucosamine has not been substantiated. 

    In conclusion, there have been discrepancy between the claim of nutraceuticals for joint health on media and the data presented based on EBM medicine. Overall these nutraceuticals have certain role in multimodal approach in management of OA in small animals and it is important for us to develop a scientific understanding of these nutraceuticals so that we can provide the best recommendation for our furry friends.

    Evidence based medicine- integrating individual clinical expertise with the best available external clinical evidence from systematic research.

    Anecdotal - knowledge based on isolated observations and not yet verified by controlled scientific studies.


    Budsberg, SC. Pacific Veterinary Conference 2015. "Evidence of Use of Nutraceuticals in osteoarthiritis 'Joint Juice' Insane Quackery or is the Internet Right?"

    S Little. August's Consultations in Feline Internal Medicine, Volume 7, 1st Edition. Saunders, 2015, pp 965.

  • 3 Apr 2018 7:19 PM | Rocky Sham (Administrator)


    楓樹珍禽異獸醫院 蔡伊婷醫生

        麴菌 (Aspergillosis)是鳥類最常見的黴菌疾病,和哺乳類相比,鳥類有較高的體溫適合黴菌生長、沒有辦法咳嗽、沒有會咽分隔上下呼吸道、很大面積但卻上皮細胞分佈不發達的呼吸系統和氣囊系統,故比哺乳類容易感染黴菌,其中又以猛禽、海鳥、非洲灰鸚鵡、藍頭亞馬遜鸚鵡、pionus屬鸚鵡感受性更高。

        兩大感染麴菌的危險因子,(1) 為暴露在黴菌濃度高的環境:在不通風、溫暖、潮濕、衛生不佳下容易養成黴菌過量的環境,(2) 宿主免疫力低下:飼養管理不佳、接受tetracycline治療或是接種疫苗、運輸、繁殖、創傷、PBFD感染、重金屬中毒等皆會讓鳥類宿主的免疫力低下而容易感染,另外食物被黴菌污染也可能產生降低宿主免疫力的毒素。





        使用全身性藥物投與配合移除團塊是治療黴菌感染的原則,但是有些團塊生長的位置無法移除或是團塊太過廣泛,只使用藥物也是一個方式。常用的抗黴菌藥物有以下:(1) Amphotericin B:在哺乳類有腎毒性,但鳥類半衰期快,所以與哺乳類腎毒性較低,但仍然建議監控腎指數。 (2) Azole類:殺黴菌類藥物,常見的副作用為厭食、嘔吐和肝毒性,在鳥類voriconazole是例外,屬於抑黴菌類,濃度累積緩慢虛數天的時間,治療可能需要幾個月,但組織分佈較itraconazole廣,且對itaconazole易敏感的灰鸚是個選擇。都需要監控肝毒性。此類藥物為口服劑型所以比amphotericin B容易長期使用。









    A. 體腔內窺鏡發現有許多團塊

    B. 氣囊壁整個發炎變厚且上面佈有血絲





    A. 內窺鏡採樣後的細胞抹片,可以看見菌絲的結構

    B. 放大後的菌絲結構

  • 3 Apr 2018 6:58 PM | Rocky Sham (Administrator)

    [病例分享] 母鬆獅蜥卵巢炎診斷與治療

    楓樹珍禽異獸醫院 吳雯鈴醫生










    圖一、x光DV view,顯示腹腔內疑似有多個軟組織不透明度的團塊分布

    圖二、x光lateral view,肺臟無明顯異常,腹腔下垂疑似有腹水的影像出現,造成腹腔內影像無法清楚辨識





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