9月份的絕育計劃,日期暫定為 9月18日 (星期二),時間為上午9時至下午4時。
Joey Heung
電話: 39232684 電郵: joey.heung@oceanpark.com.hk
Dear All members,
To limited the population growth of wild monkey in Hong Kong, Veterinary Department is working on the Monkey Contraception Project with OPCFHK and Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department this year. We will administer contraceptives to wild monkeys in Kam Shan, Lion Rock and Shing Mun Country Park, and we would like to invite volunteers to have a smooth procedure for each operation date.
The operation dates in Sep 2018 scheduled on 18th tentatively.
For those who interested to participate in this project, please contact :
Tel: 39232684 Email: joey.heung@oceanpark.com.hk
安排獼猴進入獸籠 Cage capture為獼猴施鎮靜針Sedative injection
進行絕育手術Conceptive operation in progress